IB in English

Kuopion Lyseon lukio is an upper secondary school located in the very heart of Kuopio. An English-language programme follows the international IB Diploma Programme. The IB Programme is perfect for students who want an internationally-recognised diploma for their academic studies. The language of instruction is English in two-year IB-Programme. However, ab initio language (French, German) is taught partly through Finnish.Therefore, some skills in Finnish are required if student’s foreign language is not English. Kuopion Lyseon lukio offers Finnish and English as student’s best language (language A). Self-taught languages are not paid by the school.
The school is run by the City of Kuopio and does not charge for tuition. Students may have to purchase textbooks, some study materials and pay final exam fees. School meals are free.
Pre-DP Year
The annual intake is 30 students. All pre-year applicants must apply via Yhteishaku, the National Joint Application system (www.opintopolku.fi). If one does not have a Final Report from a Finnish Comprehensive School, one must send the most recent school report to Lyseo by the end of application period (Kuopion Lyseon lukio, Puijonkatu 18, 70110 Kuopio, Finland).
Skills in Mathematics, English (one or two exams) and Finnish (only for Finnish speakers) may be tested.
During the Pre-DP year the studies are similar to the national programme. Students are required to study 30 courses. 18 courses are taught in English and 12 in Finnish. Finnish language courses are compulsory for non-Finnish speakers. During the Pre-DP year students choose six subjects they want to study in the Diploma Programme. The subjects offered in Kuopion Lyseon lukio are:
- Finnish
- English
- History
- Economics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Swedish.
IB Diploma Programme
This programme is a two-year pre-university course for students aged 16 to 19. Over the course of the two years the students
- study six IB-subjects
- write an Extended essay of 4000 words in a Diploma subject
- follow a course in Theory of Knowledge
- plan and implement their own CAS programme.
Mission Statement
Kuopion Lyseon lukio provides excellent opportunities for upper secondary studies. We value holistic education promoting honesty, responsibility, creativity and collaboration. We have a tolerant, compassionate, open-minded environment fostering student well-being. We support students in developing their potential as self-regulated, internationally-minded critical thinkers who have a positive outlook on life. In addition, we practise a sustainable lifestyle. We encourage the students to become actively involved in our community as well as in global communities as caring, balanced and responsible members.
For more information contact the IB-coordinator Suvi Tirkkonen, tel. 044 7184568.
For more information about the IB Diploma program: www.ibo.org.